Sitecore Marketplace Module: Version Pruner

Why use:
The version pruner comes in handy for those Sitecore items that are frequently edited and have built up a large number of versions. If you force a new version when editing (lock and edit), you will soon find yourself in need of this module.

1.    Download the module from the Sitecore Marketplace:
2.    Run the installation wizard and select the downloaded package.

Package contains:
1.    Sitecore.SharedSource.VersionPruner.dll
2.    Several Sitecore items for configuring the scheduled task

Configuration of this module is really easy. There are no configuration files to modify. Only things to modify are a couple of Sitecore items:

/sitecore/system/Tasks/Commands/Run Version Pruner
•    Root item – you will need to select the root item for where the pruner will start
•    Item Filter – Out of the box this is configured for pruning versions where the number of versions is greater than 10.
•    Version filter – Out of the box this is configured for archiving versions that haven’t been modified in the last 90 days and where the version number is at least 10 versions back from current version.

/sitecore/system/Tasks/Schedules/Version Pruner Schedule
•    Schedule: 20161101T144900|20251101T235900|127|12:00:00
NOTE: This states to run 11/01/2016 to 11/01/2025
             127 – Means to run every day
             12:00:00 – Means to run every 12 hours
