Publishing restriction scenarios

After producing the last piece on publishing restrictions, I had a few people ask for a scenarios break down. If I'm doing A, then do B type of instructions. I aim to please so here are the scenarios I can up with for publishing restrictions:

#1) New content that needs approval: For new content, the best option is to disable at an ITEM level. This will ensure that the item (ALL VERSIONS) is not published before it is approved.

#2) Updating existing content that needs approval: For existing content, the best option is to disable at a VERSION level. You want to leave the existing version deployed in production while you are editing the page and gaining approval. In this scenario, create a new version of the item, then restrict the version you just created.

#3) New content with an embargo date: Under this scenario, the assumption is that the you already have approval for the item but the item has an embargo date sometime in the future. For this, I’d still restrict it at an ITEM level, but instead of unchecking the publishable checkbox you be setting the publishable from date to the embargo date. This tells Sitecore that this item can be published once we have met the required date restriction. The publishing agent will automatically publish the item within minutes of the restriction meeting its criteria.

#4) Updating existing content with an embargo date: Under this scenario, the assumption is that you already have approval for the updated version of the item but the new version has an embargo date sometime in the future. For this, I’d restrict at a VERSION level. Instead of unchecking the publishable checkbox, you’d be setting the publishable from date to the embargo date. This tells Sitecore that the version of the item can be published once we have met the required date restriction. The publishing agent will automatically publish the version within minutes of the restriction meeting its criteria.

#5) Removing existing content on a certain date: Under this scenario, you have been instructed to take down a content item on a particular date. For this, I’d restrict at an ITEM level as we want all versions to be removed. In this scenario, you’d be setting the publishable to field to the date. Once the date requirements are met, this item will be removed from production.

#6) Removing the existing version on a certain date: Under this scenario, you have been instructed to take down a version of content item on a particular date. Unlikely scenario, but imagine version 5 is a short promotional page and you need to roll back to version 4 (non-promotional) For this, I’d restrict at an VERSION level as we want only version 5 to be removed and version 4 to be displayed again. In the scenario, you’d be setting the publishable to field to the date. Once the date requirements are met, this item will be roll back to the previous version in production.
