Sitecore Rocks - Remote Servers and Hard Rock Web Service

I recently ran into a minor issue with setting up Sitecore Rocks for remote servers (where no location is specified in the Sitecore Rocks connection). I could connect to Good Old Web service but not the Hard Rock Web Service! The Good old Web Service has limited functionality such as a lack of Query analyzer, so I really needed to see why the Hard Rock Web service wasn't working. The first thing that I checked was to make sure the Sitecore Rocks DLLs were deployed to the server. For those of you new to Sitecore Rocks, they are:
  • Sitecore.Rocks.Server.dll
  • Sitecore.Rocks.Server.Contrib.dll
  • Sitecore.Rocks.Server.Core.dll
  • Sitecore.Rocks.Server.Lucene.2313.dll
  • Sitecore.Rocks.Server.Lucene.2941.dll
  • Sitecore.Rocks.Server.Lucene.3030.dll
  • Sitecore.Rocks.Server.Speak.dll
  • Sitecore.Rocks.Server.Validation.dll
The latest versions were in place, so that wasn't the problem. There is one more set of files needed for the Hard Rock Web service - and they are /sitecore/shell/WebService/
  • Browse.aspx
  • Service.asmx
  • Service2.asmx 
Ah ha! I was missing these files. Once deployed, I was up and running with the very powerful Sitecore Rocks with full functionality! Hope this helps anyone who may encounter the same problem as there really didn't seem to be documented anywhere on the internet.
